Tuesday, November 18, 2008

:The Game:

If you click this link:

You will be taken to a wonderful little game called, ironically,
:The Game:

Aside from the unnecesarily violent (And completely Skippable!!) intro for the website that produced the game, this game is pretty much okay across violence.

It is a comedy game, and it supposed to make you laugh. It's a social commentary based around throwing yourself off of a grassy platform.

Pretty much no matter what the situation is, just throw yourself off of the grassy platform to receive your prize. It there are any other rules, the game will let you know.

I try to say very little about it so that I don't ruin the jokes, but some of the stinging social commentary is really funny. Especially
"Shooting Lawyers in the Face: The Game"
"Censorship: The Game"

If you don't find it funny, then, I'm sorry.
If you do, then, you're welcome.

My personal score for it is:
8.5 out of 10.

Oh, and watch our for the Pac-Man part. It can scare small children...or grown children. It will at least make you jump. (The game came out around halloween, so it's to be expected.)

See you next time!!